Wednesday 18 September 2013

The Endless Stairs - drMM Architects, Arup Engineers & SEAM Design

River Facing View

The Endless Stair

13 September '13 - 10 October '13

Monday - Sunday 9AM - Dusk

The Lawn in front of the Tate Modern, 
Bankside,London,SE1 9TG


dRMM Architects - Timber Studio
Arup Engineering Structures,Materials and Fire specialist
Sponsored by American Wood expert Council 
Contractor - Nussil

The Endless stair by dRMM in collaboration with Arup Engineering and SEAM Design is part of the London Design Festival, which is a nine day event with hundreds of showcases around London. The staircase is the 2013 Landmark project placed at the Tate Modern (London) . The initial site was set to be at the St. Paul's Cathedral however it is great to see the Tate host this in their front garden.
Inspired by  the works of M.C Escher's 'Relativity', it is composed of 15 interlocking staircases; the Endless Stair provides an interactive installation that creates a panoramic view of the area upon ascend and descent.

Architecturally it is exploring sustainable materials for the future of construction, as the project creators describe the timber used as ' the new concrete'. The design is the second American Hard Wood structure to be commissioned for the 2013 festival of design. The Endless stair is constructed using cross laminated timber ensuring strength and endurance.This is an ' American Tulipwood' which is an abundant type of timber originating from North America, this type of wood is usually a softwood, however this intervention uses a hardwood reducing the quantity needed and also reducing the thickness which effectively makes the structure lighter.

The structure still manages to weigh in at a staggering 11.4 tonnes with a combined total length of 436M (when all the panels used are laid flat) which is 4.5 times the size of Big Ben!

With 187 Endless Stairs this allows for an overall capacity of 93 people at any one time, the shortest staircase has 48 stairs.The intersectional landings give access to different sides of the structure via an 'up and over' methodology,contributing to the exploration of the piece and creating internal views of the structure.Ultimately all ascending routes lead to the top of the piece and all descending routes lead to the ground, however you have the choice of which route you would like to take.Like a maze.

At the highest point you are met with a glass end panel which creates the illusion that you could continue on, a staircase to the skies is what i would say. At this point you have the opportunity to take in the panoramic view of the thames.

Process and Production... 

Select image to see processes( image provided by

After the whole event, the plan is to deconstruct the stairs,enabling for the wood to be recycled for use in other projects. The project throughout has used and monitored sustainable materials, methods of transport and manufacturing processes.

Did I tell you it lights up at night...

Click Here to see dRMM explain The Endless Stair

Please look out for The Endless Stair at night and the Tour video!

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Photos of Endless Stair copyright Kerri R Simpson

© 2013 Kerri Rochelle Simpson copyright 
All rights reserved

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